Maritime Cooperation in East Asia
Series Editors Seokwoo Lee and Keyuan Zou
This series serves as a platform to promote East Asian maritime studies. The region’s dynamic economic development and complex history has sparked a lively debate amongst academics and policymakers struggling to maintain lasting peace and security in Pacific waters. While narrowing in on the impacts of international law in East Asian seas, the series also promotes a multi-disciplinary lens of the issue across several social sciences including international relations, economics, politics, strategic studies and law of the sea. The series aims to publish innovative works from leading scholars in the field. This is a new series with an average of two volumes per year.
Series Type: Series
ISSN: 2405-934X
Imprint: Brill | Nijhoff
Responsibility to Ensure
The contractors are those private or state-owned companies that carry out exploration and exploitation activities in the Area, which, due to the lack of subjectivity under international law, are not obliged by the UNCLOS. In this book, Xiangxin Xu highlights and analyzes the sponsoring State’s primary responsibility, i.e., ensuring its sponsored contractors’ compliance with environmental obligations under the UNCLOS and related legal instruments by enacting national legislation. She examines how and to what extent the sponsoring State validates and implements the international system at the domestic level and makes up for the shortcomings of the international system in managing contractors. The author further takes China’s legislation as an example and provides how it can be improved.
Series: MCEAVolume: 12
ISBN: 978-90-04-47233-4
Publication date: 30 Sep 2021

Xiangxin Xu
Marine Scientific Research, New Marine Technologies and the Law of the Sea
Viewed from space, one might imagine “Planet Ocean” a more apt name for Earth. For policymakers from oceanic States, the oceans are the next frontier for scientific discoveries and deployments of new technologies. Marine Scientific Research, New Marine Technologies and the Law of the Sea offers legal insights from international scholars based in Asia, Europe, and North America on existing and evolving legal regimes for marine scientific research and marine technology under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Topics covered include marine scientific research in disputed areas, unmanned and autonomous merchant ships, floating nuclear power plants, and marine genetic resources.
Series: MCEAVolume: 11
ISBN: 978-90-04-46936-5
Publication date: 30 Sep 2021

Edited by
Keyuan Zou
University of Central Lancashire
Anastasia Telesetsky
University of Idaho
The Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute
South Korea, Japan and the Search for a Peaceful Solution
In The Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute, Paul Huth, Sunwoong Kim, and Terence Roehrig have assembled some of the top scholars from Japan, South Korea, and the United States to provide a fresh and comprehensive look at one of the most long-running island disputes in East Asia. The book examines the dispute from multiple perspectives with chapters that provide a detailed and balanced assessment addressing issues in international law, history, foreign policy, domestic politics, the media, education, and the impact on relations with the United States. The book also provides analyses of why this dispute has persisted for decades and explores possible solutions that are relevant for other maritime disputes in the Asia-Pacific.
Series: MCEAVolume: 10
ISBN: 978-90-04-44788-2
Publication date: 15 Apr 2021

Edited by
Paul Huth
University of Maryland
The Belt and Road Initiative and the Law of the Sea
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) put forward by China in 2013 includes the land-based ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ and the ocean-based ‘21st-Century Maritime Silk Road’ (MSR) which focuses on the promotion of cooperation between States along the Belt and the Road. As the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC) has established the global maritime order, all ocean-related activities generating from the BRI projects along the MSR are in principle subject to the LOSC governance. The Belt and Road Initiative and the Law of the Sea discusses the use of oceans in the context of BRI covering navigational safety, marine energy and sea ports, maritime law enforcement and access of landlocked states to the sea. It also examines the BRI challenges and difficulties in the maritime domain.
Series: MCEAVolume: 9
ISBN: 978-90-04-42204-9
Publication date: 05 Mar 2020

Edited by
Keyuan Zou
University of Central Lancashire
Global Maritime Safety & Security Issues and East Asia
Series: MCEAVolume: 8
ISBN: 978-90-04-38990-8
Publication date: 27 June 2019

Edited by
Suk Kyoon Kim
Hanyang University
Maritime Cooperation in Semi-Enclosed Seas
Asian and European Experiences
Maritime Cooperation in Semi-Enclosed Seas, edited by Keyuan Zou, brings together distinguished scholars to discuss how and to what extent Article 123 of the LOSC has been implemented in state practice in East Asia and Europe, and what kind of existing experiences can be observed and lessons drawn so as to promote maritime cooperation in semi-enclosed seas. An interdisciplinary approach has been taken to broaden the scope of discussion on how to strengthen the implementation of the LOSC.

The book is divided into four parts: “International Legal Framework for Semi-Enclosed Seas Cooperation,” “Cooperative Management of Marine Resources,” “Handling Non-Traditional Security Issues,” and “New Challenges to Semi-Enclosed Seas Cooperation.” In addition to general discussions on semi-enclosed seas, the volume offers special geographic coverage of the East China Sea and South China Sea in East Asia and the North Sea and Mediterranean Sea in Europe.
Series: MCEAVolume: 7
ISBN: 978-90-04-39663-0
Publication date: 25 April 2019

Edited by
Keyuan Zou
University of Central Lancashire
Regulation on Navigation of Foreign Vessels
Asia-Pacific State Practice
Regulation on Navigation of Foreign Vessels: Asia-Pacific State Practice focuses on one of the most contentious and diverse subject areas of the international law of the sea: foreign vessel rights of navigation in national waters. Featuring contributions from leading scholars in the law of the sea, the book is organized in four parts in accordance with the geography of the Asia-Pacific region: Northeast Asia; Southeast Asia; North America; and Australasia. The volume examines the divergence and uniformity of state practice and legal cultures impacting the legislation concerning oceans and ocean activities.
Series: MCEAVolume: 6
ISBN: 978-90-04-39627-2
Publication date: 4 January 2019

Edited by
Ted L. McDorman
University of Victoria
Keyuan Zou
University of Central Lancashire
Seokwoo Lee
Inha University Law School
Global Commons and the Law of the Sea
'Global Commons’ refers to resource domains or areas that lie outside of the political reach of any one State, including sea areas beyond national jurisdiction and Antarctica. The concept of ‘global commons’ is a living concept and can accommodate, over time, other commons at the international level, such as biodiversity and generic resources. The situation of global marine commons is not that optimistic in that fishery resources continue to deplete, marine biodiversity continues to reduce, and plastic wastes in the oceans continue to increase. In international law, there are legal regimes governing global marine commons. A most important global treaty is the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC), which came into effect in 1994. It governs the high seas, international seabed and its resources, marine environmental protection, and fisheries.

Global Commons and the Law of the Sea offers intellectual discussions on global marine commons. It contains six parts respectively addressing the principle of the common heritage of mankind (CHM), freedoms of high seas, deep sea mining and international seabed, area beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) governance, management of geoengineering and generic resources, and recent developments in the polar regions.
Series: MCEAVolume: 5
ISBN: 978-90-04-37333-4
Publication date: 13 August 2018

Edited by
Keyuan Zou
University of Central Lancashire
Marine Pollution Contingency Planning
State Practice in Asia-Pacific States
There is an ever-present threat of catastrophic marine pollution incidents, as illustrated by recent disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Even small-scale accidental pollution discharges can have long-term consequences for marine and coastal resources. The UN Convention on the Law of Sea obliges all States to cooperate to prevent accidents and to minimize environmental damage during emergencies by jointly developing and implementing marine pollution contingency plans. The Asia-Pacific is one of the world’s busiest shipping regions, some of its mega-ports experience high rates of vessel congestion, and there are increasing numbers of offshore installations. Marine pollution prevention planning is thus vital for the region. Marine Pollution Contingency Planning: State Practice in Asia-Pacific States outlines and examines marine pollution contingency planning in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, and the United States.
Series: MCEAVolume: 4
ISBN: 9789004355491
Publication date: October 2017

Edited by
Anastasia Telesetsky
University of Idaho
Warwick Gullett
University of Wollongong
Seokwoo Lee
Inha University
Maritime Disputes in Northeast Asia
Regional Challenges and Cooperation
In Maritime Disputes in Northeast Asia: Regional Challenges and Cooperation, Suk Kyoon Kim provides an important multidisciplinary perspective on maritime disputes in one of the most dynamic areas of the world: Northeast Asia, a region of divergent political and economic systems where the legacy of a tumultuous past continues to overshadow current events. The text highlights maritime issues on the Korean Peninsula and extends an analytical eye to neighboring China, Japan and Russia. Kim explores in-depth the factors and issues at stake with complex maritime disputes, focusing on maritime boundary delimitation, territory, energy resources, fishery, marine pollution, and security and safety. This volume provides a timely international law perspective informed by an intricate historical, political, and socio-economic context, while offering a vision for future cooperation.
Series: MCEA Volume: 3
ISBN: 9789004344211
Publication date: April 2017

Edited by
Suk Kyoon Kim
Hanyang University
Sustainable Development and the Law of the Sea
The concept of sustainable development is created to coordinate the relationship between resource uses and environmental protection. Environmental protection is necessary to achieve the goal of sustainable resource uses and economic benefits deriving from resources can provide the conditions in which environmental protection can best be achieved. Sustainable Development and the Law of the Sea offers international legal perspectives on ocean uses including fisheries management, sustainable use of marine non-living resources, and marine protected areas in the context of sustainable development. Pushing that sustainability is a requirement for ocean use as well as for the establishment and development of the world marine legal order, the volume provides a useful reference for policy-makers and the international legal community and for all those interested in ocean governance.
Series: MCEA Volume: 2
ISBN: 9789004332126
Publication date: November 2016

Edited by
Keyuan Zou
University of Central Lancashire
Asia-Pacific and the Implementation of the Law of the Sea
Regional Legislative and Policy Approaches to the Law of the Sea Convention
Asia-Pacific and the Implementation of the Law of the Sea reviews the legislative and policy approach taken by selected States to fulfil their obligations under the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC). Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam are examined in detail together with an analysis of the United States’ prospects of ratifying the LOSC and its current approach to implement the international law of the sea. The book reveals areas of regional variation and consensus in legislative approaches to implement LOSC obligations, contributing to the progressive development of the law of the sea.
Series: MCEAVolume: 1
ISBN: 9789004310759
Publication date: June 2016

Edited by
Seokwoo Lee
Inha University Law School
Warwick Gullett
University of Wollongong
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